Making Today that “SOMEDAY”

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This idea of a blog about my life and my travels has been 5 years in the making. It is one of those things I always thought “That would be fun…. SOMEDAY I will do it”.  

That is how I have been about a lot of things… but NO MORE.  One big step towards that is getting past my own fears and making “SOMEDAY” happen – one step (or blog post) at a time!

So it might just be my close friends and family reading this blog, or it might grow into something bigger than I can ever imagine, but I am not worried about that right now…. today is my SOMEDAY and I am just going for it.

Why today?

Why not? – Really.  Not very profound, I know, but it really is my only answer. What is better about today than any other day… nothing really. So why not today!? 

What have been other SOMEDAY goals

SOMEDAY I will lose weight

The main “someday” I got rid of was the “someday I will lose weight”.  I know that is a struggle for many of us.  How did I turn that into today?  I changed my mindset.  It was no longer about losing weight because that is a slow process.  So I asked myself – what can I do today that puts me on the path to lose weight?

I lost the same 10lbs over and over again until 2016.

It has been baby steps. I never really went on a diet, I just ate better. Stopped skipping meals, cooked at home more and ate cleaner.  The biggest step was running consistently.

SOMEDAY I will run a marathon

Well obviously for most of us that isn’t something we can just go out and do.  Last year when I came up with this crazy idea I could not run a 5K (3.1 miles). Don’t get me wrong, I could finish one, but would have to walk part of it. 

My goal had been to be under 36 minutes – Crushed that!!!

So I made a plan and stuck with it. There were days that it was harder than others, but every day I did what I could do that day… I didn’t worry about what happened (or didn’t) the day before or what was planned for tomorrow…. I just did what I could do today.

I slowly stuck to the plan… getting farther and faster (but I am still slow – I am OK with that).

Now, here I am one week from the marathon knowing I can do this.  I can do what seemed impossible a year ago. This SOMEDAY is 7 days away!

I would say wish me luck … but I put the hard work in so I know I can do it!!!  Still doesn’t stop me from being nervous!!!

What is my next SOMEDAY?

I have to be completely honest and say I don’t know. I have ideas, but my focus has been on the SOMEDAY I am making happen right now.  Some of the thoughts I have had:

  • Complete a Triathlon
  • Run an Ultra (ask me about this idea after the marathon next week, it might be off the list!!!)
  • Lose the last pesky 10 – 15 lbs! 
  • Compete in a bikini contest (really – I am training with a personal trainer to get the last lbs. off, so it’s not that crazy…. or is it?)
  • Learn sign language
  • Visit Alaska (some ladies in a RV group I am in are planning a trip next year – if I can save up the money, this might happen!!!)
  • Buy a kayak 
  • Win the lottery, quit my job and travel the world (OK – I know this one isn’t happening, but a girl can dream)

What have you been putting off for SOMEDAY?

I challenge you to think about it. Pick at least one of those things and MAKE IT HAPPEN. We all have the capability to make our dreams reality.  It might take some work, but you can do it.

Even if you pick a small thing, focus on it and achieve it… the feeling of accomplishment will push you on to dreaming of bigger things.  It will help you believe in yourself.  You can do most anything you put your mind to.

Feel free to share your someday story or plan in the comments below so we can continue to tackle them together…. one SOMEDAY at a time!

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