The Aftermath of a First Marathon

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The Mother Road Marathon 2018

My daughter and I at the finish line of the Mother Road Marathon 2018
My daughter and me at the finish line

The “big” day has now come and gone. Today I wake up a “marathoner”. Is it much different than any other day? Probably not, but tears are streaming down my face writing this.

I expected this reaction yesterday at the finish line. I teared up a little unexpectedly seeing two good friends there with my daughter at the finish line, but there wasn’t a big rush of emotions… that waited for this morning while I was taking in the beautiful sunrise and drinking my coffee with the solitude of my thoughts.

First there are the doubts

The thoughts were varied:

All smiles before starting!

  • Maybe it would have been easier if I had trained more?
  • Maybe I should have pushed more and gotten a better time?
  • What if I wouldn’t have pushed the first half so hard, then maybe I wouldn’t have walked so much the second half?
  • Was this really worth the hours I put it to training?
  • I was in a lot of pain towards the end… maybe my body is telling me something.
  • I don’t have much pain today, so maybe I am OK.
  • But maybe I will be in more pain tomorrow… it usually is worse 48 hours later.
  • I will never do this again.
  • Maybe I should do this again next year and try harder.
  • No, I will never do this again!
  • But Michelle has finished 9 and Nancy is striving for 26 in one year! (more on that below)

Then there was the answer

Then I picked up my phone and there was the answer. It was a simple Facebook message from a friend. All it said was “So glad you did it. Congratulations”. 

Deb with Quapaw Indians in full traditional attire at mile 6 of the Mother Road Marathon 2018
Quapaw, OK water station

What was so significant about that? It wasn’t necessarily those particular words… it was who it came from and other words that same person has told me over the past months of this journey that resonated in my head.  Bear with me here as I explain…. 

This is a friend from my late teenage years. One of those people you friend on Facebook but never really interact with. You just see and maybe like random posts and think “glad they are doing well”.

On Feb 13th (yes, I remember the exact date), I got a random message from him “Are you on a fitness journey? Seems very awesome”. Who knew those simple words, would make me cry like a baby 7 months later.

I am on a Journey

Yes, I was on a journey but at that time it really was just a dream.

Life size Red and Mater from the movie Cars on Route 66 in Galena Kansas take while running the Mother Road Marathon 2018
I found Red and Mater!!! 

How many times had I started on different journeys (weight loss, nutrition, business or personal) and never followed thru? How many times did I make major plans, even written them down and started, just to let them fizzle away weeks (or even sometimes days) later? How many times did I let the plans of others get in the way of my dreams and desires?

His simple congratulatory text this morning reminded me of words he once told me:  If you can’t be yourself, then who are you and what are you doing with yourself?

There was the answer… I am on a journey… and it is my journey. I am being myself, achieving things I never imagined I could. Pushing myself harder, putting myself first.

I have learned a lot on this journey … a lot of it just yesterday from the people I met… 

Erasing the past

Yesterday I met a woman who had 26 negative thoughts about herself written on her arms. Every mile she was wiping off one… erasing the negativity with the accomplishment of another mile.

Deb with a small cup of beer courtesy of the kind people with the table at around mile 22 of the Mother Road Marathon 2018
Ice cold beer seemed like a good idea at mile 22… I should have taken more! 

I didn’t see her at the finish line.  I slowed down so I believe she finished ahead of me. I didn’t even catch her name but she reminded me of one of the main benefits running has brought to my life.

Accomplishing this marathon was just a culmination of all the hard work and effort of the past 10 months. It represents so much more than 26.2 miles. It represents a new me… a motivated me.

A me who will not let others tell her what she should or shouldn’t do.

A me who will not listen when told what she can and can’t accomplish.

I have been erasing the negative thoughts of the past. I am worth it. I can do it. I deserve it!

Building my own future

The second half of the race I made a new friend. One I will have a special bond with for a long time to come. Nancy, a 26-year-old who plans on running 26 marathons in her 26th year… yesterday was number two. She agreed I could write about her journey, so stay tuned for more about Nancy!

Nancy and Deb at mile 20 of the Mother Road Marathon 2018
Nancy and me at mile 20…. not sure if this is before or after we decided to make a list of “thoughts of a marathoner”…. Coming soon!

Nancy taught me a lot of things (some she doesn’t even realize) during our couple hours together. She is taking a year off to embark on this awesome journey. She is running races around the country, going to meet new people, make new friends and accomplish her dream.

She has planned out her journey and is focused. She has great support…I met her mother at 3 points in the race! She has great motivation and tenacity.  

She is creating her own destiny her own way, even when others think her plans are crazy… she is determined to complete the path she has set out in front of herself.

My talk with her definitely taught me that I have the right to build my own future.. my way!

Stop for the small stuff (if it makes YOU happy)

Nancy was bending down to pick up pennies along the road. To many that may not sound like much, but try bending over to pick up a penny at mile 22! I think she ended up with a total of 7 or 8 which is obviously not making her rich, but it reminded me that sometimes you have to stop for the little things that bring you joy.

None of those pennies will make her rich, but each one represented a moment captured… a piece of good luck picked up from the road traveled during this journey. Picking them up made her happy and that was all that mattered.

Nancy and me as Betty Boop - Mother Road Marathon 2018
Maybe our times would have been better if we hadn’t stopped for photo ops – but it made us happy!
I don’t even remember what mile this was at! 

Do what makes you happy.

Singing thru the pain

I am not sure how many people actually heard us, but I think we sung thru most of mile 26. I mean literally singing out loud. From Bon Jovi (Livin’ on a Prayer) to church songs (Awesome God) to our own version of “I’ve been working on the Railroad”

“I’ve been running Route 66, all the live long day. I’ve been running Route 66, just to pass the time away…Oh how my legs are hurting….” and I don’t remember the rest, but it was good.

Life will throw pain and suffering at us (or we will bring it on ourselves by signing up for a marathon!), but we have to remember the pain is temporary. Focus on the finish line, not the temporary discomfort of the journey. Sometimes in life we just have to sing thru the pain!   

Motivation … it is contagious.

Another thing my friend from years ago told me “You are a motivated person and I like motivated”.

Michelle with her friend (I already forgot her name) and Deb before the start of the Mother Road Marathon 2018
Michelle and I met briefly before the race began. 

Didn’t think about that much until this morning. Earlier I mentioned Michelle. I met Michelle thru a running Facebook group. She was flying in to do this marathon. I only got to meet her for a couple minutes before the start of the race but learned that this was her 9th marathon!

As I was finishing the race yesterday I was thinking, why would anyone do this again? Then I thought about Michelle. She is on her 9th. This morning I think I understand why.

Once you are motivated to do something, it grows.

I found the motivation to train for this particular marathon, but this morning I am already thinking “what’s next?”

Do I want to run another one? Maybe this one again, maybe a different one? Do I want to try a triathlon? Maybe a tough-mudder (thanks Nancy, for putting that in my head)?

The hardest part is getting started, but once you get going it is contagious… not only to yourself, motivating you to strive for more, but to others around you who are afraid to take the first step.

I worked hard for this… but I can do so much more

Deb enjoying BBQ after running the Mother Road Marathon
I was a little hungry after the marathon… everyone offered me their plates too!

What will that more look like? I am not sure yet. I will be planning my next journey over the next days.

For now, I am stating my 3-week RV adventure from Missouri to the Grand Canyon! Hopefully marathon recovery will not hinder my vacation fun!

What will your next journey be? Fitness? Health? Diet? Business? Please feel free to share below because motivation is contagious! Let me know what is in your future!

7 thoughts on “The Aftermath of a First Marathon

  1. Mari

    I am so proud of you!!! You have always been one of the strongest people I know!! I’m so happy you are happy!! 💞💞💞💞

  2. Bobbi

    Love this! Brought tears to my eyes! I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought that beer was perfect around mile 22! Love that you took pictures along the way, I regret not taking more. Congratulations on your finish and best wishes for your next journey!!

    1. Deb Post author

      It was so nice meeting you! That beer was the coldest thing on the course!!! Feel free to steal a few of the pictures as your own. My time would have been much better if I would not have stopped so much… oh well, maybe next year I will concentrate more on running and less on site-seeing! 🤣👌 Hope to see you at another race soon!

  3. Thea Yegerlehner

    This is Nancy’s mom. I just want to thank-you for being so kind and encouraging to my daughter! she told me about your journey. so proud of you! keep going! You got this! Best wishes to your new you!!

    1. Deb Post author

      You have an amazing daughter and I look forward to following her on her journey this year! Who knows, I might decide to join he on one of her upcoming marathons (I did say might… my legs hurt today)… And by the way, I think the support you all are giving her is amazing!


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