Who is Deb and what is this about a “best life”?

I am Deb

Actually Deborah Jean but we will keep it short and simple, I am Deb.

Let’s start with what I am not….  I am not perfect…. actually I am very flawed. I have been married more times than I want to admit (OK…. 3 times) and the third one almost broke me. Long story short, I gave my all, was cheated on and left for another woman.  I fought for my marriage for almost a year after finding out about “her”… but still found myself facing my third divorce at age 40.

Why does age matter?  Because anyone who has hit a decade milestone should be able to understand how it can mess with your head – then throw a divorce in there – it wasn’t pretty.

It took a while for me to embrace this thought, but I am now thankful to both the cheating husband and his now new wife.  Him leaving was the best thing that ever happened to me.  How you may ask??? Well…. it gave me the motivation to start building my BEST LIFE.

So what does this “Best Life” look like?

Well, it starts with taking care of me… not just emotionally, but physically.  I started running and have lost a ton of weight (50 lbs to be exact).

50 lbs GONE!

In 2017 I ran my first half marathon (and did two more in 2018).  I am training for my first full marathon on Sept. 30, 2018.  I have started training with a personal trainer to hopefully lose the last 15-20 lbs. and I have a wild idea that I might try a triathlon or an ultra next year.

Northland Half Marathon – April 2018
Independence Half Marathon – May 2018

So what else does this “BEST LIFE” entail?  It is a pretty long list and keeps growing as I find more things to enjoy:

  • Awesome friends
  • Great wines
  • Good food (I love to cook, but I also love to be served!)
  • My RV (dreaming of full timing sometime in the future)
Beauty and the Beast!
  • My dog – He is a 13-year-old Border Collie Rottweiler mix.
Isn’t he so cute!!!
  • Bowling – I have been bowling since I was 8… still not very good at it. 😜
  • Photography – I love capturing the everyday beauty that surrounds us, specially nature and architecture.

Basically – learning to do what makes me happy!  Taking care of me and striving everyday to make it my BEST LIFE!

It is a journey, my journey! Care to join me?

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